Good afternoon all...
Hope you are outside enjoying this gorgeous weather, before the pollen descends.
It seems we have finally identified challenges with email, and if everyone takes a moment to accept the invitation to be a part of our group, then we will all stay up to date.
Atlanta area artists participated in the Peachtree Presbyterian Art Sale on Roswell Road last weekend; I hope the event was successful for all involved. There were over 300 pieces to be inventoried and hung for display...so much talent!
AAC Chairperson and President Lisa Moore is very involved, and we should be seeing good things happening to improve our ability to pursue artistic endeavor through this organization. She will be helping us with the ongoing challenge of members wanting to tour the gallery or drop off artwork on Mondays. The Atlanta Artists Center is actually closed on Monday, and the Monday Sketch Group is not and should not be responsible for accepting or releasing artwork, or entertaining visitors during our scheduled class times. These guidelines are in the AAC member handbook, but our busy lifestyles often mean passing up the opportunity to read. Please pass the word to fellow members so that we can focus on what we are there for on Mondays...Sketch group time!
Don't forget, starting this evening through March 8th, "Hanging Out With Art", Grandview Gallery gets underway. This is the AAC's big yearly artwork sale and we expect great results!
This is a perfect time to remind everyone that our next member meeting is Monday March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. Bring your ideas, and be ready for our guest speaker.
A reminder: Charles Y. Walls is leading an oil painting workshop at the AAC, "Painting the Concept, A Direct Approach" at the end of March (Friday demonstration from 7-9, $20 if not enrolled in weekend workshop; Saturday and Sunday workshop, March 29-30, $230 members, 9am-4pm) This course will challenge those who wish to develop a painting using a logical and progressive approach by painting directly onto the canvas without first drawing. Gain control of the rich medium of oil colors with confidence and new understanding.
Monday Sketch Group will be visited by model "Barefoot Bill" Pacer on March 10th. Bring your pencils, charcoal, paper and colors to capture the human form.
Music to consider:
Gabriel Fauré's Requiem ~ 17th Century French Composer
Listen to parts at http://www.cyberbass.com/, click on major works, then Gariel Fauré
Introit et Kyrie and more...beautiful sounds sung in Latin with rapturous melodies and movement.
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